Academic Coordination of Teaching Practice and Mentoring (External organisation)

Activity: MembershipMembership of committee


Academic Coordination of Teaching Practice and Mentoring,                        I served as Academic Coordinator of Teaching Practice and Mentoring, Department of Education and Professional Studies, University of Limerick from 2004 to 2014. This involved monthly management meetings with my Head of Department and Co-Operative Education, monthly meetings with Course Directors for all Initial Teacher Education programmes on campus, continuing professional development and induction of all tutors, providing information to all UL students (over 850 students per year), liaison with 740 post-primary placement schools in the Republic of Ireland, ensuring validity and reliability of the grading of school placement, liaison with external examiners and ensuring that the school placement at the University of Limerick meets the requirments of the Teaching Council.
Held atAcademic Coordination of Teaching Practice and Mentoring