Activities per year
- 6 results
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Royal Irish Academy (RIA) Research Committee (External organisation)
Adshead, M. (Member)
2001Activity: Membership › Membership of council
President, 2002 -current), Political Studies Association of Ireland (External organisation)
Adshead, M. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council
forthcoming 2003, Gill and Macmillan Encyclopaedia of Ireland (External organisation)
Adshead, M. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council
The Irish Society for Contemporary European Studies (External organisation)
Adshead, M. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council
The Political Studies Association (UK) (External organisation)
Adshead, M. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Irish Institute for European Affairs (External organisation)
Adshead, M. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council