Activities per year
- 1 - 50 out of 77 results
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European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) (External organisation)
Palomares, M. (Member)
2024Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Limerick (External organisation)
Almanza Gálvez, C. (Member)
2023Activity: Membership › Membership of council
German Studies Association in Ireland (External organisation)
Schrage Frueh, M. (Chair)
2023Activity: Membership › Membership of council
European Network in Ageing Studies (External organisation)
Schrage Frueh, M. (Member)
2023Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (IRAAL) (External organisation)
Palomares, M. (Member)
2023Activity: Membership › Membership of council
International Communal Studies Association (External organisation)
Almanza Gálvez, C. (Member)
2022Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Asociación para la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera (ASELE) (External organisation)
Palomares, M. (Member)
2022Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies (External organisation)
Almanza Gálvez, C. (Member)
2019Activity: Membership › Membership of council
European Society for Translation Studies (External organisation)
Linares, L. (Member)
2019Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Uni-Colllaboration: Uni-Colllaboration: Cross-Disciplinary Organisation for Telecollaboration and Virtual Exchange in Higher Education. (External organisation)
Giralt, M. (Member)
2019Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (External organisation)
Linares, L. (Member)
2017Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Centre of Irish German Studies (External organisation)
Guggi, N. (Member)
2017Activity: Membership › Membership of council
EUROCALL (European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning) (External organisation)
Giralt, M. (Member)
2017Activity: Membership › Membership of council
TELNETCOM (Telecollaborative Networks for the Development of Generic Competences) (External organisation)
Giralt, M. (Member)
2017Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Network of Cultural Dream Studies (External organisation)
Schrage Frueh, M. (Member)
2016Activity: Membership › Membership of council
CALS (Center of Applied Linguistics studies) (External organisation)
Giralt, M. (Member)
2015Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Women and Ageing Research Network (External organisation)
Schrage Frueh, M. (Founder)
2015Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (External organisation)
Almanza Gálvez, C. (Member)
2014Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Exil PEN - P.E.N. Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Business German in Ireland Working Group (External organisation)
Schrage Frueh, M. (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Cult-Net World: (External organisation)
Le Baron Earle, F. (Member)
2012Activity: Membership › Membership of council
International Association of Spanish in Society (External organisation)
Moriarty, M. (Member)
2011Activity: Membership › Membership of council
GREP (Grup de Recerca de l´entonació i la Parla) (External organisation)
Giralt, M. (Member)
2010Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Research Centre for Germanic Connections with New Zealand and the Pacific; University of Auckland (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies, Royal Irish Academy (External organisation)
Conacher, J. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of council
European Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EuroCALL): (External organisation)
Le Baron Earle, F. (Member)
2009Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Irish Social Sciences Platform (ISSP): (External organisation)
Le Baron Earle, F. (Member)
2008Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association of Third-level Teachers of German in Ireland (External organisation)
Conacher, J. (Chair)
2008Activity: Membership › Membership of council
The Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO): (External organisation)
Le Baron Earle, F. (Member)
2008Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Centre for Applied Language Studies (CALS): (External organisation)
Le Baron Earle, F. (Member)
2008Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association of Third-level Teachers of German in Ireland (External organisation)
Conacher, J. (Member)
2007Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Member)
2006Activity: Membership › Membership of council
International Crime Genre Research Group, Ireland (previously: Atlantic Alliance of Universities Crime Genre Research Group (UL, NUI Galway, UCC, MIC, Queen¿s University Belfast) (External organisation)
Krajenbrink, M. (Member)
2005Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies (External organisation)
Krajenbrink, M. (Member)
2004Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Member)
2003Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Business German in Ireland Working Group (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Chair)
2001Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association for German Studies in Ireland (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Fellow of The Salzburg American Seminar, Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg, Austria. (External organisation)
Murray, L. (Member)
1999Activity: Membership › Membership of council
German Studies Association of Ireland (formerly ATLTGI) (External organisation)
Conacher, J. (Member)
1997Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Modern Language Association (External organisation)
Holfter, G. (Member)
1995Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association for German Studies in Great Britain and Ireland (External organisation)
Conacher, J. (Member)
1990Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies (External organisation)
Boán, X. P. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Women In French UK-Ireland (External organisation)
Benaglia, C. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Association des Études Françaises et Francophones d'Irlande (ADEFFI) (External organisation)
Benaglia, C. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council
One Voice for Languages (External organisation)
Batardiere, M. T. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council
Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) (External organisation)
Riordan, E. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council
IRAAL - Irish Association for Applied Linguistics (External organisation)
O'Riordan, S. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council
History and Translation Network (External organisation)
Benaglia, C. (Member)
1900Activity: Membership › Membership of council