My research interests lie mainly in the area of health psychology, and at the overlap with social and developmental psychology. Broadly speaking, I am interested in the impact of stress and trauma on psychological and physiological health.
My research predominantly focused on the impact of stress on the health of adolescents and young adults, and explored how our social relationships, social support, attachment bonds and group memberships an alleviate the damaging effect of stress on health.
My teaching interests incorporate research methods and statistics (undergraduate and postgraduate), introductory psychology (Psychology and Everyday Life, Psychology and Social Issues), and health and developmental psychology.
Dr Grace McMahon is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Psychology.
Her post-doctoral research focuses on the health psychology of trauma, and is part of the Social Identity Model of Trauma and Identity Change (SIMTIC) project; an ERC advanced grant awarded to Prof. Orla Muldoon.
Grace completed her PhD in Psychology in the University of Limerick in December 2020, under the supervision of Prof. Stephen Gallagher and Dr. Ann-Marie Creaven. Her PhD research examined the role of social support and attachment styles as mechanisms for alleviating the negative effect of stress on the psychological and physiological health of adolescents and young adults.
During her PhD she held various Research Assistant roles in the area of cardiovascular health, and has extensive experience working with large datasets. From September 2017 to September 2020, she worked as a Module Leader at Limerick College of Further Education. More recently she worked as a Lecturer Below the Bar in the Department of Psychology in UL (January 2020 - February 2021), and as Part-time Lecturer at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick on the Doctorate in Educational and Child Psychology (May 2020).
She is a member of the Health Research Institute (HRI), the Centre for Social Issues in Research (CSI-R), and the Study of Anxiety, Stress, and Health Laboratory (SASHLab) in UL.