Personal profile
James O Hare MD, MB, BCh, BAO, FRCPI, FRCP (UK)
Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine
Email [email protected]
James is lead in Professional Competencies for years 3 and 4.
James graduated from University College Cork (UCC) and trained initially at Cork University Hospital . He was awarded an Ainsworth Scholarship and an NIH Fogarty Foundation Fellowship to Harvard Medical School (HMS)/Beth Israel Hospital and was Chief Clinical Fellow in endocrinology at the Joslin Clinic /New England Deaconess Hospital and was then on staff and Instructor at HMS.
He was appointed Consultant Physician /Endocrinologist at UHL and Senior Lecturer in Medicine UCC. He joined ULSOM in 2014. At UHL he chaired the Department of Medicine and the Consultant Medical Board and served on a range of local and national committees. He was president of the Irish Association of Internal medicine working with the Royal College of Physicians Ireland, (RCPI) promoting the general medicine training of specialist registrars and is a RCPI Membership examiner for over 30 years. He served with the European Federation of Internal Medicine (EFIM) and on the editorial board of the European Journal of Internal Medicine. He is a fellow of the Royal Colleges of Physicians Ireland and UK and an honorary fellow of EFIM.
James advocates for doctors to have a broad range of clinical and professional skills. He has published in endocrinology, cardiovascular medicine, nephrology, neurology, and medical education. He is module lead in the Year 3 Arts and Humanities Module, where students explore an area of special interest to them in medicine. James has photographs published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and poetry in JAMA.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):