Margaret is a qualified nurse and midwife, a graduate of UCD (BNS), Trinity College (MSc) and University of Bedfordshire (PhD).
My particular research and scholarly activity include; caring, person centred care, older person nursing, cultural and ethnic diversity in healthcare and exploring ways to foster student learning at undergraduate and post graduate level. I chair two student representative fora within the department with the aim of fostering student voice. Coordinator for group guided reflection and protected reflective time with year 3 and 4 students. Exploring how we create dialogical learning spaces with students in supporting learners to develop vision in becoming compassionate practitioners fostering transferable learning from practice is central to my work.
I have a particular interest in developing practice through narrative methodologies. Member Ageing, Mental Health& Intellectual Disability, research cluster and supervise research at postgraduate and PhD level.
Involved in several curriculum innovations at undergraduate and postgraduate level. Led the design team for the development for MSc, PG Diploma and PGCert in Advanced Practice as part of collaboration with 5 universities in a national consortium. Was founding course director for these programmes.
Current funded projects
Developing Intergenerational Learning through Discussion Cafés: Strategic Alignment of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funding in Higher Education 2019(ECR funding opportunities) Developing Intergenerational Learning through Discussion Cafés: A Learning Enhancement Project, Focus on Supporting and Highlighting the Value of Teaching and Learning Enhancement within Higher Education Institutions Dr D Tuohy (Lead), J. Murphy, E. Carey, I. Cassidy, J. McCarthy, J Shanahan, M. Graham
DelHPIre (Delirium Health Professionals Ireland) Higher Education Authority (HEA) Improving prevention, recognition and management of delirium across the island of Ireland through the co-design of an interdisciplinary digital resource for undergraduate healthcare a consortium from University of Limerick and Queen s University Belfast Prof A.Coffey 2022 (Lead) team members D Tuohy, J. Murphy A. Tierney, A. McCurtin, M.Graham, G. Mitchell, C.BrownWilson, A.Wong