My research interests are dichotomised into the exploration of physical activity interventions in people with chronic respiratory disease, and injury surveillance in elite athletes . Work includes the use of technology to improve physical activity in cystic fibrosis, as well as singing and breathing control for people with chronic lung disease including COPD and pulmonary fibrosis (the SingStrong project).I am a member of the IRIS project exploring injury in rugby cohorts from the amateur game. Other interests include the study of sleep in elite athletes, CBT-insomnia and chronic pain, and tele-rehabilitation in chronic disease.
I am the module lecturer for Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiotherapy for undergraduate and postgraduate cohorts at the School of Allied Health at University of Limerick (UL). Previously, I was the module leader for a range of musculoskeletal physiotherapy modules, also at undergraduate and postgraduate level. I also teach on a first year undergraduate broadening module involving a large group of mixed discipline students from across the university. My first role in UL was as the Practice Education Coordinator for the physiotherapy undergraduate programme. Prior to that however, I was a guest lecturer on multiple programmes in the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance (IWAMD) due to my background as a professional Irish dancer coupled with my work as a physiotherapist.I am a past winner of both the UL Individual Teaching Excellence Award (2020) and the Shannon Consortium Teaching Excellence Award (2017).
I qualified as a chartered physiotherapist in UL in 2008 and worked in many settings in the private and public sector prior to commencing work in UL in 2013 in a practice education role. I am now a Senior Lecturer in Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physiotherapy, and have taught on numerous modules across both the undergraduate and pre-qualification MSc Physiotherapy programmes.
My research area of interest are split between injury surveillance in elite athletes and dance, and physical activity in people with chronic disease. I am the co-founder of the SingStrong project, which is a clinically-based singing and breathing retraining programme for people with chronic respiratory disease.
I am also dedicated to excellence in teaching and hold an MAandnbsp; in Teaching, Learning and Scholarship in Higher Education. I am a previous winner of both the UL Individual Teaching Excellence Award and the Shannon Consortium Teaching Excellence Award.
I am a member of the HRI and a founding member of the Physical Activity for Health Research Cluster.