Dr Ronni M. Greenwood is a Social-Community Psychologist and Lecturer in the Psychology Department at University of Limerick with broad interests in social and community psychology. Her research in the area of gender has focused on the intersectionality of social identities in relation to solidarity in diverse groups, experiences and expressions of social identity. Her research interests also include ecological influences on psychological well-being, particularly homeless adults with complex support needs. In her research on recovery in homelessness, she investigates effects of homeless services practice on consumer choice, mastery, and well-being. She has published several articles on the implementation and dissemination of Housing First and the role of Housing First in recovery outcomes. A Programme Implementation and Evaluation Consultant, she served as Principal Program Evaluator for the Dublin Housing First Demonstration and currently works with voluntary organizations in their efforts to implement Housing First programmes from the bottom up with high fidelity to the Pathways Housing First model. Previously, she served as Assistant Director of Research at Pathways to Housing, New York, New York. She completed her PhD in Social/Personality Psychology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
My teaching responsibilities currently focus on Personality Psychology. I teach classic theories of personality to first year students and contemporary approaches to personality and individual differences to second year students. I also serve as the module coordinator for Final Year project. I also teach a postgraduate module in Community Psychology and serve as the module coordinator for Major Research Project. My teaching interests and experience include Psychology of Women (and Gender) and Social Psychology.
Dr Ronni Michelle Greenwood is a Social-Community Psychologist and Senior Lecturer in the Psychology Department at University of Limerick. Dr Greenwood is an internationally recognized expert in recovery-oriented strategies to end chronic homelessness. She serviced as the Assistant Director for Research on the original trial of Housing First at Pathways to Housing in New York City. She was a co-investigator on the Horizon 2020-funded project 'Homelessness as Unfairness' (Home_EU, 726997,
https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/726997. Currently, she is the lead evaluator for the Irish National Housing First Implementation.