My research focuses on social identity processes, in relation to well-being, education, empowerment, and social justice. My expertise is in both quantitative and qualitative research methods and my priority is applied real-world research, often among marginalized communities. Through NGO partnerships my work has explored the education needs of the Traveler community in Ireland and community empowerment and stigma reduction among poor leprosy affected people in rural Nepal. Similarly, my post as international research fellow enabled me to explore worker education and activist identity change in South Africa and leadership development among self-employed women in India. Publications:S Jay, A Nightingale, N Bali, S Ryklief, M Adshead (2022). Growing leaders from below: Identityand#8208;based worker education and identityand#8208;leader ability among selfand#8208;employed women in India, Journal of Community and; Applied Social Psychology. DOI: 10.1002/casp.2615OT Muldoon, S Jay, AT O'Donnell, M Winterburn, AB Moynihan, ..(2022). Health literacy among selfand#8208;help leprosy group members reduces stereotype endorsement and stigmaand#8208;related harm in rural Nepal Health and; Social Care in the Community. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13771S Jay, M Winterburn, K Jha, AK Sah, R Choudhary, OT Muldoon (2022). A resilience building collaboration: A social identity empowerment approach to trauma management in leprosy-affected communities. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Jay, M Adshead, S Ryklief (2021). Its a life-changing point for me: critical consciousness, collective empowerment and global awareness as activist identity change in popular education European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-18. Muldoon, D Bradshaw, S Jay, EL Kinsella, P Maher, R Murphy, ...(2021). Vaccination roll-out: a time to develop and maintain trust in science and health care British Journal of General Practice.S Jay, M Winterburn, R Choudhary, K Jha, AK Sah, BH O'Connell, ...(2021). From social curse to social cure: A selfand#8208;help group community intervention for people affected by leprosy in Nepal. Journal of Community and; Applied Social Psychology 31 (3), 276-287S Jay, A Batruch, J Jetten, C McGarty, OT Muldoon (2020). Economic inequality and the rise of farand#8208;right populism: A social psychological analysis.Journal of Community and; Applied Social Psychology 29 (5), 418-428Journal of Community and; Applied Social Psychology 29 (5), 418-428British Journal of General Practice 71 (712), 518-519
My teaching experience is wide ranging from large cohorts of first year undergraduate students through to small cohorts of masters students. I have taught developmental psychology, personality and individual differences, social psychology, approaches to learning, approaches to social identity research and both quantitative and qualitative research methods. I have worked to develop a module for first year students that uses active learning through fund and awareness raising to teach students about the psychology of social issues. I am currently teaching masters students qualitative research methods.
Sarah Jay completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the Department of Psychology at the University of Limerick graduating with a BA first class honours in Psychology and Sociology in 2010, then a PhD in Social Psychology in 2015. During her PhD Sarah was a successful awardee of Irish Research Council postgraduate funding. Since then, Sarah has worked as an international postdoctoral research fellow affiliated to the Department of Politics and Public Administration at UL and funded by the Irish Research Council and Marie Curie CoFund on the CAROLINE scheme. During this fellowship Sarah conducted her research while on placement with NGO's in Cape Town South Africa and Gujarat in India. Sarah has also lectured in the School of Education and the Department of Psychology at UL and currently holds a Lecturer Below the Bar post in Psychology.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):