Sheila Killian's research is loacted within the ARC Accountability Research Cluster at the KBSandlt; and centres on issues of the public interest, fairness and the common good as they intersect with business and financial public policy. This takes in work on accountability and sustainability, corporate responsibility, and the impact of 'expert' power. Current research projects underway include: - the role of tax professional experts in the wider tax ecosystem - responsibility and sustainability in management education - new media and social reporting - the role of regulation and soft law in influencing environmental outcomes - the role of financial expertise in society, and its relationship with the state - professionalisation and the emergence of professions - ethics and spirituality in financial contexts - taxation and social enterprise - accounting and the sustainable development goals - accountability and accounting technologies in non-financial settingsShe has published one book, five commissioned reports, nine book chapters and peer-reviewed articles is the following journals: (Accounting, Organizations and; Society; Critical Perspectives on Accounting; Journal of Social Entrepreneurship; Trocaire Development Review; e-Journal of Taxation Research; The Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences; Accountancy Business and the Public Interest; Irish Business Journal; Journal of Legal Tax Research; Social Responsibility Journal, Journal Of Accounting, Ethics And Public Policy.)
Corporate Ethics, Responsibility and SustainabilityCorporate FinanceSocial Media for Social Good
Professor Sheila Killianandnbsp;is section co-editor of theandnbsp;
Journal of Business Ethics, and associate editor of
Accounting Forum. She serves on the editorial boards ofandnbsp;
Accounting, Auditing and; Accountability Journal; Accounting, Finance and; Governance Review;andnbsp;andandnbsp;
Critical Perspectives on Accounting.andnbsp;Her research is mainly qualitative, andandnbsp;addresses issues of social sustainability, accountability and the common good, with a focus on professional expertise, social justice, tax policy and business school education. See;
Sheila teaches corporate finance and corporate social responsibility, mainly at postgraduate level. She has also taught these subjectsandnbsp;at Aalto University in Finland, and at University of the Witwatersrand and Rhodes University in South Africa.
She is currently Director, Principles for Responsible Management Educationandnbsp;at the Kemmy Business School. Her past roles includeandnbsp;Assistant Dean, Research; Head of Department; Course Director; and Head of AACSB Accreditation. Prior to joining the University of Limerick, She workedandnbsp;as a tax advisor with Arthur Andersen, KPMG andandnbsp;Ernst and; Young, andandnbsp;in airfinance and educational software development. Her andnbsp;primary degree is in Maths, from NUI Galway. She holds a masters in Business Studies from UCC, and a PhD in Taxation from UCD. She also has qualifications in international teaching from IMD, and in CSR from the ILO and Boston College.andnbsp;Professionally, she qualified as a Chartered Accountant and as an associate of the Institute of Taxation of Ireland.andnbsp;andnbsp;She has published numerous peer-reviewed research papers and book chapters, and is the author of
Corporate Social Responsibility: a Guide with Irish Experiences.
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