A case study of pedagogy of mathematics support tutors without a background in mathematics education

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This study investigates the pedagogical skills and knowledge of three tertiary-level mathematics support tutors in a large group classroom setting. This is achieved through the use of video analysis and a theoretical framework comprising Rowland's Knowledge Quartet and general pedagogical knowledge. The study reports on the findings in relation to these tutors’ provision of mathematics support to first and second year undergraduate engineering students and second year undergraduate science students. It was found that tutors are lacking in various pedagogical skills which are needed for high-quality learning amongst service mathematics students (e.g. engineering/science/technology students), a demographic which have low levels of mathematics upon entering university. Tutors teach their support classes in a very fast didactic way with minimal opportunities for students to ask questions or to attempt problems. It was also found that this teaching method is even more so exaggerated in mandatory departmental mathematics tutorials that students take as part of their mathematics studies at tertiary level. The implications of the findings on mathematics tutor training at tertiary level are also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)67-82
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2017


  • mathematics tutor training
  • pedagogical content knowledge
  • Tertiary mathematics education
  • video analysis


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