A family of porous lonsdaleite-e networks obtained through pillaring of decorated kagomé lattice sheets

Alexander Schoedel, Wesley Boyette, Lukasz Wojtas, Mohamed Eddaoudi, Michael J. Zaworotko

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A new and versatile class of metal-organic materials (MOMs) with augmented lonsdaleite-e (lon-e-a) topology is presented herein. This family of lon-e nets are built by pillaring of hexagonal two-dimensional kagomé (kag) lattices constructed from well-known [Zn2(CO2R)4] paddlewheel molecular building blocks (MBBs) connected by 1,3- benzenedicarboxylate (bdc2-) linkers. The pillars are [Cr 33-O)(RCO2)]6 trigonal prismatic primary MBBs decorated by six pyridyl moieties (tp-PMBB-1). The three-fold symmetry (D3h) of tp-PMBB-1 is complementary with the alternating orientation of the axial sites of the paddlewheel MBBs and enables triple cross-linking of the kag layers by each pillar. These MOMs represent the first examples of axial-to-axial pillared undulating kag layers, and they are readily fine-tuned because the bdc2- moieties can be varied at their 5-position without changing the overall structure. This lon-e platform possesses functionalized hexagonal channels since the kag lattices are necessarily eclipsed. The effects of the substituent at the 5-positions of the bdc 2- linkers upon gas adsorption, particularly the heats of adsorption of carbon dioxide and methane, were studied.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14016-14019
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
Issue number38
Publication statusPublished - 25 Sep 2013
Externally publishedYes


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