A novel multiplex RT-PCR system detects human endogenous retrovirus-K in breast cancer

H. Davari Ejthadi, J. H. Martin, J. Junying, D. A. Roden, M. Lahiri, P. Warren, P. G. Murray, P. N. Nelson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Human endogenous retrovirus HERV-K like-sequences have been implicated in certain cancers. We developed a novel multiplex RT-PCR system for HERV-K that yielded a 533 bp product together with a smaller sized product (319 bp) of the house keeping gene, histidyl tRNA synthetase (HtRNAS). The latter spanned an intron that also served to validate target cDNA. PCR amplicons of HERV-K and HtRNAS were visualised using a gel documentation system and the pixel intensity used to derive semi-quantitative levels of viral expression. Our data showed that HERV-K10 was significantly elevated in MCF-7 cells treated with estrogen. Interestingly, HERV-K expression was higher in MCF-7 cells selected with adriamycin. RT-PCR combined with Southern blotting also detected HERV-K from breast cancer tissue using laser capture microscopy. This study highlights the presence of HERV-K in the breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MCF-7 ADR and confirms HERV-K10 transcripts in the cell line T47D. We believe this study to be a novel approach in determining levels of HERV-K expression and for detecting this virus in cancer cell lines and tissues.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)177-184
Number of pages8
JournalArchives of Virology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2005
Externally publishedYes


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