A Physiotherapy-Led Transition to Home Intervention for Older Adults Following Emergency Department Discharge: A Pilot Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial (ED PLUS).

On behalf of Ageing Research Centre Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) Panel of older adults

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Older adults frequently attend the emergency department (ED) and experience high rates of subsequent adverse outcomes including functional decline, ED re-presentation and unplanned hospital admission. The development of effective interventions to prevent such outcomes is a key priority for research and service provision. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility of a physiotherapy-led integrated care intervention for older adults discharged from the ED (ED PLUS). Patients and Methods: Older adults presenting to the ED of a university teaching hospital with undifferentiated medical complaints and discharged within 72 hours were computer randomised in a ratio of 1:1:1 to deliver usual care, Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) in the ED, or ED PLUS. ED PLUS is an evidence-based and stakeholder-informed intervention to bridge the care transition between the ED and community by initiating a CGA in the ED and implementing a six-week, multi-component, self-management programme in the patient’s home. Feasibility and acceptability were assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. All clinical and process outcomes were assessed by a research nurse blinded to group allocation. Data analyses were primarily descriptive. Results: Twenty-nine participants were recruited indicating a 67% recruitment rate. At 6 months, there was 100% retention in the usual care group, 88% in the CGA group and 90% in the ED PLUS group. ED PLUS participants expressed positive feedback, and there was a trend towards improved function and quality of life and less ED revisits and unscheduled hospitalisations in the ED PLUS group. Conclusion: ED PLUS bridges the transition of care between the index visit to the ED and the community and is feasible using systematic recruitment strategies. Despite recruitment challenges in the context of COVID-19, the intervention was successfully delivered and well received by participants. There was a lower incidence of functional decline and improved quality of life in the ED PLUS group.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1769-1788
Number of pages20
JournalClinical Interventions in Aging
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • care transitions
  • emergencies
  • integrated care
  • public and patient involvement
  • recruitment


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