A 'proper' woman? One woman's story of success and failure in academia

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


This book, written by an insider, explores experiences over a 46-year career in five academic organisations in Ireland and the UK: moving from contract research assistant to full professor and line manager (Dean). Highlighting success and failure, strength and fragility, it challenges ideas about what it is to be a 'proper' woman. It describes the subtle and relentless processes of devaluation, marginalisation and disempowerment that are often 'normalised.' Written in a clear accessible style, with flashes of humour, it asks whose interests are served by taken-for-granted ideas about what it is to be a woman - ideas which deny the reality of many women's day-to-day experiences. Who wants us to think that all women find identity and satisfaction in housework and child care? Who wants us to think that universities are meritocratic institutions? The book will inspire and entertain all those who have struggled in any male-dominated organisation and wondered if they were the problem.

Original languageEnglish
PublisherPeter Lang AG
Number of pages223
ISBN (Electronic)9781803743035
ISBN (Print)9781803743059
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2024


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