A rising tide meets a perfect storm: New accountabilities in teaching and teacher education in Ireland

Paul F. Conway, Rosaleen Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper examines the emergence of new accountabilities in teaching and teacher education in Ireland in the 15 years period 1997-2012. Framing accountability in terms of the three main approaches to it globally in education systems, that is, compliance with regulations, adherence to professional norms and attainment of results/outcomes, we identify significant changes, particularly, in compliance- and results-driven accountability. A 'rising tide' of accountability, due to the interrelated influences of the European higher education space, education legislation and professional self-regulation policies (i.e. Teaching Council), is evident since the late 1990s. This was punctuated by a 'perfect storm' in 2010 comprising 'bad news' from PISA 2009, the economic bailout and strategic leadership at a system level. The cumulative impact of the 'rising tide' and 'perfect storm' is evident in how they reframed both 'to whom' and 'for what' accountability in teacher education relates. Significantly, the new accountabilities in teaching and teacher education reflect a move towards the dominant global education reform movement (Sahlberg 2007) with its emphasis on standardisation, narrow focus on literacy and numeracy and higher stakes accountability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11-36
Number of pages26
JournalIrish Educational Studies
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2013


  • accountability
  • assessment
  • global education reform movement
  • Ireland
  • policy analysis
  • teacher education
  • teaching


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