A suggested postgraduate curriculum for education and training for the biopharmaceutical industry

D. Brendan Murphy, Gary Walsh

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The curriculum outlined in this paper (and available in full detail on the world-wide web at http://www.ul.ie/ ~ walshg/) is designed as a resource for third level institutions in an attempt to promote postgraduate education and training for the biopharmaceutical sector. A curriculum for a taught MSc programme is presented in modular form, and includes detailed syllabi, supported with an extensive list of references and resource materials. The educational experience is designed to promote intrinsic interest in the course, and encourage a deep study holistic approach to developing higher- order cognitive skills. Formative assignments, interactive learning, seminars, presentations and symposia, and a period of industrial placement are integral elements of the programme. The development of excellent oral and written communication skills is strongly encouraged, and should form a significant element of the formal course. An integrated package of learning, application, professional development and experience is suggested, and this should facilitate specialization in any area of the biopharmaceutical sector.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)109-118
Number of pages10
JournalQuality Assurance Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1998


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