An epistemology for assessment and development: how do we know what we know?

Deborah E. Rupp, George C. Thornton, Tiffany M. Bisbey, Anna N. Hoover, Eduardo Salas, Kevin R. Murphy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To make informed decisions, assessment theorists, researchers, and practitioners can evaluate the overlap among (1) relevant theories, (2) empirical contributions, and (3) best practices. Unfortunately, such a task may seem daunting due to the so-called science-practice gap, which can thwart collaboration among these parties. This paper presents an epistemology for delineating the importance of integrating these three sources of knowledge. We then apply this epistemology to show that our current knowledge of assessment and development topics are well integrated in some places, but still quite lacking in others.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)252-268
Number of pages17
JournalIndustrial and Organizational Psychology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2024


  • assessment
  • Assessment centers
  • development
  • epistemology
  • science-practice gap
  • training


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