An examination of various methods of minimising strain gradients in 3D embedded strain gauge analysis

C. O'Driscoll, W. Stanley, E. G. Little

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This paper is a review of different methods used to reduce the effect of strain gradients in experimental models with 3D embedded strain gauged transducers. A detailed analysis of various methods used in relation to research carried out on a prosthetic hip implant is investigated. The methods to reduce these gradient effects detail the importance of the selection of the most suitable 3D transducer pattern and establishing the locations on the model where strain gradients are least problematic. It is also shown that the use of large-scale models helps minimise the effect a gradient may have on data. Another way of avoiding strain gradients is to use axisymmetric models and embed the gauges at the same radius in the model but at a different angular orientation from the central axis. The strain gradient across the 3D embedded strain gauge transducer can be reduced using the methods described here so that significant errors in the final tensor do not materialise.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)507-520
Number of pages14
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


  • axisymmetric models
  • embedded strain gauges
  • experimental
  • large-scale models
  • modular technique
  • strain gauges
  • strain gradients
  • three-dimensional


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