An experimental and theoretical study of the influence of Cerenkov radiation on optical fiber X-ray sensors

Haopeng Li, Tianci Xie, Jinqian Qian, Qieming Shi, Bin Zhang, Bo He, Xinyu Dai, Wenhui Zhao, Song Li, Zhuang Qin, Jun Xu, Kun Feng, Elfed Lewis, Weimin Sun

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The use of optical fiber X-ray sensors is of great significance in X-ray detection. To reduce the influence of background noise attributed to sources such as Cerenkov radiation, the response of a plain (no scintillator material added) optical fiber to the X-ray radiation is investigated. The percentage dose-depth (PDD) of plain optical fibers with and without visible light blocking end caps are calculated and are clearly different. The leakage of Cerenkov radiation and presence of Compton scattering from water into the sensing probe is considered as the reason for the difference. A theoretical model to explain the difference is proposed. The experimental results fit well to the theoretical expectation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108863
JournalMeasurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


  • Cerenkov radiation
  • Optical fiber sensors
  • Percentage depth dose (PDD)
  • Recoil electrons
  • X-ray detection


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