An investigation of laser repass annealing of LATP processed CF/PEEK properties

A. Chanteli, R. M. O'Higgins, J. P. Canart, P. M. Weaver

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


There is increasing interest in high-performance fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composite materials, e.g. carbon fiber-reinforced PEEK, due to their excellent FST and high fracture toughness properties, as well as the opportunities that they offer for high-throughput, out-of-autoclave processing. Laser-assisted automatic tape placement (LATP) in-situ consolidation has been used to successfully produce large representative carbon fiber-reinforced (CF) PEEK aerospace demonstrators. However, it has been shown that the properties achieved depend on the processing parameters. Post-process annealing has been shown to increase the crystallinity level of PEEK and improve the mechanical properties. In this study, the effect of annealing by laser repass was investigated for LATP processed CF/PEEK laminates. Laminates were subjected to a number of laser passes post-layup and the effect of annealing was assessed by mechanical testing, specifically in-plane shear and open-hole compression testing. Laminate crystallinity was measured using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The study results were compared with autoclave consolidated laminates. The DSC results indicated that the laser repass annealing had a negligible effect on the laminate crystallinity, but there appeared to be some marginal effect on the laminate properties.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event6th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2019 - Anaheim, United States
Duration: 23 Sep 201926 Sep 2019


Conference6th Annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo, CAMX 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited States


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