An Yb3+-Ho3+ codoped glass microsphere laser in the 2.0μm wavelength regions

Angzhen Li, Jibo Yu, Meng Zhang, Xiaosong Lu, Jiquan Zhang, Elfed Lewis, Gerald Farrell, Pengfei Wang

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In this letter, an Yb3+-Ho3+ codoped sol-gel silica microsphere lasing at around 2.0μm is reported. The gain microsphere is fabricated by overlaying the 1.0 mol% Yb3+-0.2 mol% Ho3+ codoped sol-gel solution on the surface of a pure silica microsphere and is then heated using a CO2 laser. Using a traditional fiber taper-microsphere coupling method, we observe the single- and multi-mode microsphere laser outputs around 2.0μm using a 980 nm laser diode as a pump source, with a low threshold pumping power of 14.7 mW. The ability to fabricate sol-gel codoped silica glass microlasers represents a new generation of low-threshold and compact mid-infrared laser sources for use as miniaturized photonic components for a wide range of applications including gas sensing and medical surgery.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8418397
Pages (from-to)1543-1546
Number of pages4
JournalIEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sep 2018


  • Laser
  • laser excitation
  • whispering gallery modes


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