Analyzing the State of Mind of Self-quarantined People during COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Period: A Multiple Correspondence Analysis Approach

Gauri Vaidya, Vidya Kumbhar, Sachin Naik, Vijayatai Hukare

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


COVID-19 (Corona) virus has spread across the world threatening lives of millions of people. In India first COVID-19 case was detected on 30th January 2020 in Kerala. To minimize the spread of Corona Virus, countries all over the world implemented complete lockdown. Due to complete lockdown even people who are not exposed to corona virus, have to self-quarantine to keep themselves safe from getting infected by the disease. People (especially Indians) have never experienced such complete lockdown and quarantining situations before. Thus, this creates a space for curiosity that how people are going to react to this situation. The present study aims to analyse how self-quarantined people during COVID-19 lockdown period are reacting to quarantining, what measures they are taking to deal with this situation, and what are their sentiments towards quarantining. The study also aims to measure their Happiness and to identify the factors that are statistically significant to Happiness. For this study, the data is collected through a survey method. Multiple correspondence analysis are performed to analyse the survey data. The happiness score is evaluated by using the GNH (Gross National Happiness) methodology. Proportional Odd Logistics Regression is used to identify factors that are statistically significant in predicting happiness. The study suggests that family factor is related to the happiness of the self-quarantined people during such lockdown situations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)428-439
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Correspondence analysis
  • Happiness index
  • Proportional odds logistic regression
  • Self-quarantining
  • Sentiment analysis


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