Anomalous Dome-like Superconductivity in RE2(Cu1-xNix)5As3O2 (RE = La, Pr, Nd)

Xu Chen, Jiangang Guo, Chunsheng Gong, Erjian Cheng, Congcong Le, Ning Liu, Tianping Ying, Qinghua Zhang, Jiangping Hu, Shiyan Li, Xiaolong Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A significant manifestation of interplay of superconductivity and charge density wave, spin density wave, or magnetism is a dome-like superconducting critical temperature (Tc)in cuprate, iron-based, and heavy Fermion superconductors. Pesudogap, quantum critical point, and strange metals emerge in different doping ranges. Exploring dome-like Tc in new superconductors is of interest to detect emergent effects. Here we report the superconductivity in a new layered Cu-based compound RE2Cu5As3O2 (RE = La, Pr, Nd), in which the Tc exhibits dome-like variation with a maximum Tc of 2.5, 1.2, and 1.0 K with substitution of Cu by large amount of Ni ions. Simultaneously, the structural parameters like As-As bond length and c/a ratio exhibit unusual variations as the Ni-doping level goes through the optimal value. The robustness of superconductivity, up to 60% of Ni doping, reveals the unexpected impurity effect on inducing and enhancing superconductivity in these novel layered materials.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)171-179
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 26 Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Phase Transitions
  • Structural Property of Condensed Matter
  • Superconductivity


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