Anthropometric, training, and social variables associated with performance in runners from 5 km to marathon

M. Thuany, B. Knechtle, A. Santana, T. N. Gomes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the individual and social characteristics associated with predictors of running performance in different distances, from 5-km to the marathon, in both sexes. Equipment and methods: The sample comprised 1091 road runners of both sexes, who answered an online questionnaire, and provided information regarding the individual (sex, age, body height, and body weight), training (running pace, preference distance, race event participation, volume and frequency of training) and social variables (influence to running and the existence of runners in family). Regression robust analysis was performed and individual, anthropometric, training, and social characteristics were used as predictors. Results: For female athletes, body mass index was associated with performance in all the distances. In 5-km to half-marathon, volume/week was positively associated with running pace. A significant role of the social variables was observed in the performance of 10-km; runners who indicated to be influenced to start running showed worse performance (β=16.81; 95%CI = 2.50–31.11). For half-marathoners, age and had taken part in race events in last 12 months were related to the performance (β=-87.71; 95%CI = -148.51 – - 26.91). For male athletes, running performance was related to BMI and volume/week, in all distances. Among 5-km and 10-km runners, increasing training frequency reduced the running pace. Age was negatively associated to performance in half-marathoners and marathoners. Conclusion: Individual and training variables were associated with performance in running in different distances, from 5-km to marathon, while social characteristics showed to be significantly associated with running performance in 10-km among women.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)310.e1-310.e8
JournalScience and Sports
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


  • Amateur athletes
  • Endurance
  • Predictors
  • Running
  • Training


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