Applicant reactions to selection: Development of the Selection Procedural Justice Scale (SPJS)

Talya N. Bauer, Donald M. Truxillo, Rudolph J. Sanchez, Jane M. Craig, Philip Ferrara, Michael A. Campion

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This paper describes research that fills a void in the applicant reactions literature by developing a comprehensive measure of Gilliland's (1993) procedural justice rules, called the Selection Procedural Justice Scale (SPJS). Five separate phases of scale development were conducted. In Phase 1 we generated and refined the items. For Phase 2 we reduced the items through exploratory factor analysis using data gathered from 330 applicants for the job of court officer and found higher-order factors consistent with Greenberg (1993a, 1993b). In Phase 3 we confirmed the factor structure using a separate sample of 242 applicants and trainees for the court officer job. In Phase 4 we assessed the initial convergent and divergent validity of the scale. In Phase 5 we tested the generalizability of these items in general and for those receiving positive and negative selection outcomes using 2 student samples. The results demonstrated the usefulness of the SPJS in differentiating each of Gilliland's procedural justice rules and relating them to outcomes included in his model of applicant reactions. A copy of the SPJS is included in the Appendix.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)387-419
Number of pages33
JournalPersonnel Psychology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


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