Assembly of CuIn 1-xGa xS 2 nanorods into highly ordered 2D and 3D superstructures

Ajay Singh, Claudia Coughlan, Fathima Laffir, Kevin M. Ryan

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Here, we report self- and directed assembly of CuIn 1-xGa xS 2 (CIGS) nanorods into highly ordered 2D and 3D superstructures. The assembly protocol is dictated by the ligand environment and is hence chemically tunable. Thiol capped nanorods spontaneously assemble into 3D aligned nanorod clusters over a period of hours with end to end and side to side order. These clusters can be disassembled by ligand exchange with an amine and subsequently reassembled either at a substrate interface or as free floating 2D sheets by directed assembly protocols. This dimensional control of CIGS nanorod assembly, extending over device scale areas with high degrees of order, is highly attractive for applications utilizing these important quaternary photoabsorbers.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)6977-6983
    Number of pages7
    JournalACS Nano
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2012


    • CIGS
    • CIS
    • nanocrystal
    • nanorod
    • perpendicular assembly
    • supra-crystal


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