Assessment Aspects of Student's Motor Skills and Assessment Tools in Physical Education

Maite Zubillaga-Olague, Laura Cañadas, André Moura

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Educational developments call for a change in the way in which aspects related to students' motor skills are assessed in the field of physical education, moving towards a global assessment that goes beyond assessment centred on physical performance. This research aims: (i) to analyse the most and least valued variables in relation to the assessment aspects of student motor skills and the type of assessment tools used by PE teachers; (ii) to assess whether there are statistically significant differences in these aspects among Primary and Secondary school teachers, according to teaching experience, according to the highest academic degree obtained and the type of school in which they teach; and (iii) to assess the relationship between the assessment tools used and the aspects that are assessed in relation to student motor skills. Quantitative, comparative, correlational and cross-sectional research was carried out. A total of 455 physical education teachers from all over Spain took part. The data was collected through the Questionnaire on Assessment Processes in Physical Education #AssessPE. The results demonstrated that among the assessment aspects of students' motor skills, teachers reported giving greater importance to whether students know and respect health and hygiene habits and motor problem solving. In terms of assessment tools, teachers indicate that those most frequently used are contextualised game situations and observation sheets, with tests being the least frequently used. There are some differences in these aspects depending on the variables studied, although they are not constant. Finally, there is no clear relationship between most of the assessment tools studied and the motor skill assessment aspects.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-38
Number of pages12
JournalApunts. Educacion Fisica y Deportes
Issue number153
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2023


  • assessment
  • motor skills
  • physical education
  • teachers
  • tools


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