Autobiographical memory and future imaginings as a resource for pedagogical understanding in initial teacher education

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The focus of this article is twofold: (a) It explores how autobiographical memory and future imaginings can be used as a resource for pedagogical understanding in Initial Teacher Education, and (b) The paper engages a methodological experiment where there is a layered reading of texts across time, 2008-2018.The paper presents, through a narrative analysis of autobiographical texts, the stories of two student teachers, Ciara and John (Text 1, 2008). These student teachers were in the early years of their undergraduate four-year programme in my university and I was their English Pedagogics lecturer. Later, I revisit these student teachers' narratives and read them under new interpretative conditions based on their salient and punctum effects, significant and emotional effects, on me as a teacher educator (Text 2, 2018). Then, theorizing with relevant literature, I consider how to foster conditions and methodologies of growth as student teachers engage their autobiographical memories and imaginings. Ultimately, my findings underline that self-knowledge is central in the pedagogical encounter of self, other and subject matter (Latta & Buck, 2008) and that working with evocative, creative and emotionally attuned pedagogy can support this process of autobiographical / pedagogical understanding.

Original languageEnglish
Article number19
Pages (from-to)4146-4166
Number of pages21
JournalQualitative Report
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2020


  • Autobiographical Memory
  • Creative and Evocative Pedagogies
  • Emotional Attunement
  • Future Imaginings
  • Pedagogical Understanding


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