Bacterial communities in the potato tuberosphere share similarities with bulk soil and rhizosphere communities, yet possess distinct features

Georgia Voulgari, Achim Schmalenberger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


To date, a paucity of studies have examined bacterial communities in tuberospheres. However, the function of these bacterial communities in healthy potato plants is still largely unknown. Here, we aimed to describe the structure and composition of tuberosphere bacteriomes and its capability to make organosulfur plant available using the rhizosphere and bulk soil bacterial community characteristics as a reference. Rhizosphere, tuberosphere and bulk soil was collected from two field grown potato varieties. Bacterial communities were characterized by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. Bacterial organosulfur mobilization indicators were evaluated with cultivation dependent and independent methods and were correlated (Spearman) with the relative abundance of bacterial families. The structure of tuberosphere bacterial communities either overlapped with the bulk soil or had similarities with the rhizosphere. Relative abundance of specific bacterial families were distinct between bulk soil, tuberosphere and rhizosphere. Tuberospheres had a tendency for higher arylsulfonate utilization compared to bulk soil. The families Sphingomonadaceae, Sphingobacteriaceae and Rhizobiaceae which presented a decline in their relative abundances from the rhizosphere to tuberosphere and bulk soil had positive correlations with organosulfur mobilizing indicators. Potato variety and soil characteristics played a role in structuring the tuberosphere bacterial communities. Tuberospheres represent an environment in-between bulk soil and rhizosphere indicative from the intermediate relative abundances of specific bacterial families. A moderately higher bacterial organosulfur mobilization activity in tuberospheres suggests that this microbial function may serve specific biological roles for potato tubers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number150935
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2024


  • asfA
  • Next generation sequencing
  • Organosulfur cycling
  • Solanum tuberosum
  • Tuberosphere


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