Bilateral removal of the cauda epididymides in the neonatal pig as a technique for creating teaser boars.

S. Arkins, L. H. Thompson, J. R. Giles, T. Camacho, B. D. Hosmon

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Five pairs of crossbred littermate boars were used to assess the efficacy of bilateral removal of the cauda epididymides at an early age as a technique for creating teaser boars. The cauda epididymides were surgically removed in one of each litter pair; the other of the pair served as an intact control. Boars subjected to removal of the epididymides (Epid) were rendered sterile by the technique. The Epid-treated and control untreated littermate boars had similar levels of sexual aggression and libido, as measured by behavioral characteristics at semen collection. The Epid-treated boars showed a slight, but not significant, reduction in ejaculate volume. Upon slaughter at 273 d of age, Epid and control boars had similar weights for the accessory sexual organs and penis and similar penile lengths. The Epid-treated boars displayed enlarged caput epididymides and granulomata. It is suggested that bilateral removal of the cauda epididymides in the neonatal pig may prove a worthwhile alternative to the traditional vasectomy procedure to create teaser boars.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)15-19
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of animal science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 1989
Externally publishedYes


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