Bioinspired Synthesis of Monolithic and Layered Aerogels

Xiao Han, Khalil T. Hassan, Alan Harvey, Dejan Kulijer, Adrian Oila, Michael R.C. Hunt, Lidija Šiller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aerogels are the least dense and most porous materials known to man, with potential applications from lightweight superinsulators to smart energy materials. To date their use has been seriously hampered by their synthesis methods, which are laborious and expensive. Taking inspiration from the life cycle of the damselfly, a novel ambient pressure-drying approach is demonstrated in which instead of employing low-surface-tension organic solvents to prevent pore collapse during drying, sodium bicarbonate solution is used to generate pore-supporting carbon dioxide in situ, significantly reducing energy, time, and cost in aerogel production. The generic applicability of this readily scalable new approach is demonstrated through the production of granules, monoliths, and layered solids with a number of precursor materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1706294
Pages (from-to)e1706294
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 6 Jun 2018


  • aerogels
  • bioinspired materials
  • functional materials
  • insulating materials


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