Carbohydrate Mouth-Rinsing Improves Overtime Physical Performance in Male Ice Hockey Players During On-Ice Scrimmages

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Purpose: This randomized, double-blind, crossover study examined the effects of mouth-rinsing (MR) with a carbohydrate (CHO) vs. a placebo (PLA) solution on external and internal loads in hydrated ice hockey players during regulation and overtime (OT) periods of an on-ice scrimmage. Methods: Twelve skilled male hockey players (22.6 [3.4] years, 178.9 [4.7] cm, 84.0 [6.5] kg) played three 20-min regulation periods and one 12-min OT period of small-sided 3-on-3 scrimmage. Skaters repeated 2 min shift and rest intervals. Participants mouth rinsed with 25 mL of CHO or PLA solution approximately every 10 min for a total of 7 rinses. A local positioning system (LPS) tracked external load variables including speed, distance, acceleration, and deceleration. Internal load was monitored with heart rate (HR) sensors and a rating of perceived exertion (RPE). Results: During regulation play, both the conditions developed similar fatigue, with significantly decreased high-intensity distance, average speed and decelerations, and increased RPE, from period 1 to 2 and 3. In OT, CHO MR increased the distance skated at high-intensity (224 [77], 185 [66] m, p = 0.042), peak speed (24.6 [1.6], 23.7 [1.3] km·h −1, p = 0.016), number of sprints (1.9 [1.2], 1.2 [0.9], p = 0.011), and decreased distance skated at slow speed (300 [33], 336 [47], p = 0.034) vs. PLA MR. OT RPE was similar between the two conditions in spite of more work done in CHO MR. Conclusions: CHO MR may be a valuable practice to protect against decrements in external load with increased playing time in ice hockey, and possibly allows athletes to perform more work relative to perceived levels of exertion.

Original languageEnglish (Ireland)
Article number792708
Pages (from-to)-
JournalFrontiers in Nutrition
Publication statusPublished - 10 Feb 2022


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