Carboxyl-Alkyl Functionalized Conjugated Polyelectrolytes for High Performance Organic Electrochemical Transistors

Zeyuan Sun, Brian Khau, Hao Dong, Christopher J. Takacs, Shuhan Yuan, Mengting Sun, Bar Mosevitzky Lis, Dang Nguyen, Elsa Reichmanis

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Contemporary design principles for organic mixed ionic electronic conductors (OMIECs) are mostly based on the ethylene glycol moiety, which may not be representative of the OMIEC class as a whole. Furthermore, glycolated polymers can be difficult to synthesize and process effectively. As an emerging alternative, we present a series of polythiophenes functionalized with a hybrid carboxyl-alkyl side chain. By variation of the alkyl spacer length, a comprehensive evaluation of both the impact of carboxylic acid functionalization and alkyl spacer length was conducted. COOH-functionalization endows the polymer with preferential intrinsic low-swelling behavior and water processability to yield solvent-resistant conjugated polyelectrolytes while retaining substantial electroactivity in aqueous environments. Advanced in situ techniques, including time-resolved spectroelectrochemistry and Raman spectroscopy, are used to interrogate the materials’ microstructure, ionic-electronic coupling, and operational stability in devices. To compare these materials’ performance to state-of-the-art technology for the design of OMIECs, we benchmarked the materials and demonstrated significant application potential in both planar and interdigitated organic electrochemical transistors (OECTs). The polythiophene bearing carboxyl-butyl side chains exhibits greater electrochemical performance and faster doping kinetics within the polymer series, with a record-high OECT performance among conjugated polyelectrolytes ([μC*]pOECT = 107 ± 4 F cm-1 V-1 s-1). The results provide an enhanced understanding of structure-property relationships for conjugated polyelectrolytes operating in aqueous media and expand the materials options for future OMIEC development. Further, this work demonstrates the potential for conjugated polymers bearing alkyl-COOH side chains as a path toward robust OMIEC designs that may facilitate further facile (bio)chemical functionalization for a range of (bio)sensing applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9299-9312
Number of pages14
JournalChemistry of Materials
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2023
Externally publishedYes


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