CFD simulation of gas-liquid flows in a reactor stirred by dual Rushton turbines

Gopal R. Kasat, Aniruddha B. Pandit, V. V. Ranade

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In the present work, we have simulated gas-liquid flows in a tall stirred reactor equipped with dual Rushton turbines. A two fluid model along with the standard k-ε turbulence model and modified drag coefficient, (proposed by Khopkar & Ranade, 2006) accounting for the effect of bulk turbulence, was used to simulate the dispersed gas-liquid flow in a stirred reactor. The multiple reference frames (MRF) approach was used to simulate impeller rotation in a fully baffled reactor. The computational model was mapped on to a commercial solver FLUENT 6.2 (of Fluent Inc. USA). The model was used to simulate three distinct flow regimes in a gas-liquid stirred reactor: L33-VC (lower impeller-upper impeller), S33-VC and VC-VC. The model predictions were compared with the published experimental data of Bombac & Zun (2000). The predicted results show good agreement with the experimental data for all the three flow regimes. The computational model presented in this work would be useful for simulating different flow regimes in a gas-liquid stirred vessel.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA60
JournalInternational Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • Computational fluid dynamics
  • Dual Rushton turbine
  • Flow regimes
  • Gas hold-up distribution
  • Stirred reactor


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