Characterisation of a Silicon Photomultiplier Based Oncological Brachytherapy Fibre Dosimeter

Massimo Caccia, Agnese Giaz, Marco Galoppo, Romualdo Santoro, Micheal Martyn, Carla Bianchi, Raffaele Novario, Peter Woulfe, Sinead O’Keeffe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Source localisation and real-time dose verification are at the forefront of medical research in brachytherapy, an oncological radiotherapy procedure based on radioactive sources implanted in the patient body. The ORIGIN project aims to respond to this medical community’s need by targeting the development of a multi-point dose mapping system based on fibre sensors integrating a small volume of scintillating material into the tip and interfaced with silicon photomultipliers operated in counting mode. In this paper, a novel method for the selection of the optimal silicon photomultipliers to be used is presented, as well as a laboratory characterisation based on dosimetric figures of merit. More specifically, a technique exploiting the optical cross-talk to maintain the detector linearity in high-rate conditions is demonstrated. Lastly, it is shown that the ORIGIN system complies with the TG43-U1 protocol in high and low dose rate pre-clinical trials with actual brachytherapy sources, an essential requirement for assessing the proposed system as a dosimeter and comparing the performance of the system prototype against the ORIGIN project specifications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number910
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


  • brachytherapy
  • dosimetry
  • HDR
  • LDR
  • SiPM


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