Comparison of teachers at a ‘traditional’ and an ‘innovative’ medical school

P. Finucane, L. A. Allery, T. M. Hayes

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A 50% random sample (n = 186) of teaching staff at a ‘traditional’ medical school and all staff (n=205) at an ‘innovative’ school were surveyed on their attitudes to teaching and teacher training. Response rates were 80% and 93% respectively. Staff at both institutions were predominantly men, highly experienced and active as teachers. Though only a minority had undergone recent teacher training, some 95% rated their teaching as ‘average’ or ‘above average’. High levels of enthusiasm for teaching were detected in both schools. Staff at the ‘innovative’ school were more positive about the rewards for teaching. There was a common perception that formal training would improve the quality of teaching, though a third would not wish to participate. When developing strategies to enhance the quality of medical teaching, it is important to appreciate the existing attitudes of teachers. This survey indicates that inflated views of their own teaching ability, a perceived lack of reward for teaching, and ambivalence towards formal teacher training are three problem areas which need to be considered. 1995 Blackwell Publishing

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)104-109
Number of pages6
JournalMedical Education
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Mar 1995
Externally publishedYes


  • *education, medical, undergraduate
  • *professional competence
  • academic medical centres
  • attitude
  • Australia
  • Great Britain
  • teaching/*stand


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