Comprehensive applications of metabolomics on tea science and technology: Opportunities, hurdles, and perspectives

Mingchun Wen, Mengting Zhu, Zisheng Han, Chi Tang Ho, Daniel Granato, Liang Zhang

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


With the development of metabolomics analytical techniques, relevant studies have increased in recent decades. The procedures of metabolomics analysis mainly include sample preparation, data acquisition and pre-processing, multivariate statistical analysis, as well as maker compounds’ identification. In the present review, we summarized the published articles of tea metabolomics regarding different analytical tools, such as mass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance, ultraviolet–visible spectrometry, and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. The metabolite variation of fresh tea leaves with different treatments, such as biotic/abiotic stress, horticultural measures, and nutritional supplies was reviewed. Furthermore, the changes of chemical composition of processed tea samples under different processing technologies were also profiled. Since the identification of critical or marker metabolites is a complicated task, we also discussed the procedure of metabolite identification to clarify the importance of omics data analysis. The present review provides a workflow diagram for tea metabolomics research and also the perspectives of related studies in the future.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4890-4924
Number of pages35
JournalComprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023


  • biotic stress
  • mass spectrometry
  • metabolomics
  • nuclear magnetic resonance
  • processing technology
  • tea


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