Control algorithm for parallel connected offshore wind turbine generators

Emir Omerdic, Jakub Osmic, Cathal O’donnell, Edin Omerdic

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A control algorithm for Parallel Connected Offshore Wind Turbines with permanent magnet synchronous Generators (PCOWTG) is presented in this paper. The algorithm estimates the optimal collective speed of turbines based on the estimated mechanical power of wind turbines without direct measurement of wind speed. In the proposed topology of the wind farm, direct-drive Wind Turbine Generators (WTG) is connected to variable low-frequency AC Collection Grids (ACCG) without the use of individual power converters. The ACCG is connected to a variable low-frequency offshore AC transmission grid using a step-up transformer. In order to achieve optimum wind power extraction, the collective speed of the WTGs is controlled by a single onshore Back to Back converter (B2B). The voltage control system of the B2B converter adjusts voltage by keeping a constant Volt/Hz ratio, ensuring constant magnetic flux of electromagnetic devices regardless of changing system frequency. With the use of PI pitch compensators, wind power extraction for each wind turbine is limited within rated WTG power limits. Lack of load damping in offshore wind parks can result in oscillatory instability of PCOWTG. In this paper, damping torque is increased using P pitch controllers at each WTG that work in parallel with PI pitch compensators.

Original languageEnglish
Article number4670
Issue number15
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2021


  • Control system
  • Offshore wind park
  • Parallel connection
  • Permanent magnet synchronous generators
  • Variable low frequency


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