Controlling self-assembling co-polymer coatings of hydrophilic polysaccharide substrates via co-polymer block length ratio

Alberto Scacchi, Kourosh Hasheminejad, Sousa Javan Nikkhah, Maria Sammalkorpi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Hypothesis: The degree of polymerization of amphiphilic di-block co-polymers, which can be varied with ease in computer simulations, provides a means to control self-assembling di-block co-polymer coatings on hydrophilic substrates. Simulations: We examine self-assembly of linear amphiphilic di-block co-polymers on hydrophilic surface via dissipative particle dynamics simulations. The system models a glucose based polysaccharide surface on which random co-polymers of styrene and n-butyl acrylate, as the hydrophobic block, and starch, as the hydrophilic block, forms a film. Such setups are common in e.g. hygiene, pharmaceutical, and paper product applications. Findings: Variation of the block length ratio (35 monomers in total) reveals that all examined compositions readily coat the substrate. However, strongly asymmetric block co-polymers with short hydrophobic segments are best in wetting the surface, whereas approximately symmetric composition leads to most stable films with highest internal order and well-defined internal stratification. At intermediate asymmetries, isolated hydrophobic domains form. We map the sensitivity and stability of the assembly response for a large variety of interaction parameters. The reported response persists for a wide polymer mixing interactions range, providing general means to tune surface coating films and their internal structure, including compartmentalization.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)809-819
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Colloid and Interface Science
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2023


  • Amphiphilic self-assembly
  • Assembly morphology
  • Block copolymer
  • Hydrophilic surface
  • Polymer coating
  • Polymer film
  • Surface functionalization


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