Corrigendum to ‘A market inventory of construction wood for residential building in Europe –in the light of the Green Deal & new circular economy ambitions’: Sustainable Cities and Society 90 (March 2023) 104370 (Sustainable Cities and Society (2023) 90, (S2210670722006758), (10.1016/j.scs.2022.104370))

R. Sikkema, D. Styles, R. Jonsson, B. Tobin, K. A. Byrne

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The authors regret the following items for addendum and corrigendum. Page 2 (Section 1.2). ‘The text in this section should read as follows: Among other factors, the ageing of forests plays a key role. The older a coniferous tree, the more mature wood with higher density and bending strengths it can provide (Ramage et al., 2017). Thus older trees can provide higher timber qualities for construction purposes, like C24. The quality is also dependent on other factors like the length of the growing season (altitude and latitude related).’ Pages 4-5. The inserted figures 2 and 3 and their captions are mixed up with each other: • The full caption for Fig. 3 and its notes belong to Fig 2 (i.e. the Flow diagram) on page 4.• The full caption for Fig. 2 belongs to Fig 3 (i.e. the BCG Matrix) on page 5.Page 7 (Section 3.2). Table 2 includes doors and assembled floor panels as finishing elements in the ‘oversized wood inventory’. If windows and their frames of wood are additionally included as a finishing element for house building, then the upper ranges of our ratio and of our m3 per dwelling in Table 2 change as follows: • SE: 0.39; 28.6 m3 per dwelling. Thus new ranges: ratio 0.28-0.39, 20.5-28.6 m3 per dwelling;• AT: 0.23; 22.4 m3 per dwelling;• NO: 0.22; 28.4 m3 per dwelling;• CH: no additional upper range, due to incomplete Swiss dataset for Windows & frames.• FI: 0.18; 15.5 m3 per dwelling;• DE: 0.19; 19.7 m3 per dwelling;• FR: 0.10; 8.0 m3 per dwelling.Page 11 (Acknowledgements). Five national experts of the Euroconstruct consortium. Germany (DE): Mr. Ludwig Dorffmeister instead of Mr. Lukas Dorffmeister. Pages 11-13 (References). Three references need an update, after inclusion of windows and window frames of wood as a commodity or finishing element for house building: • Eurostat (2021a). Prodcom data for EU-28 and Norway. Commodity ‘windows, French windows & their frames, of wood’ (code 1623.1110). Production data are indicated in number of pieces (p/st).• Eurostat (2021b). EU-28 trade for ‘windows, French windows & their frames, of wood’ (4418.1010; 4418.1050 and 4418.1090). Trade data are indicated in 100 kg (quantity) and p/st (supplementary quantity).• UN Comtrade (2022). Windows, French windows and their frames, of wood (4418.10). Trade figures for Norway (NO) and Switzerland (CH). Data indicated in kg.Page 14 (Further reading; revised reference for Appendix A). • Eurostat (2022b). National Statistical Institutes in the EU-27, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The original web address has been changed. It is now available at: Accessed: 4 January 2023.Appendix B. Country profiles (addendum to supplementary materials). At least one finishing element or commodity needs to be added to the ‘oversized wood inventory’ in Appendix B: “windows, French windows and their frames”. The total annual apparent consumption of windows, French windows & their frames, of wood is 1.2 million m3 in 2017-2020 (excl. CH), of which nearly 1.0 million m3 by the EU-27. Switzerland is excluded, as it has a lacking dataset for the production of wooden windows & frames. The average weight of a wooden window or window frame is assumed to be 34.5 kg per piece for production (Eurostat 2021a); as derived from average weights of all EU-28 import in 2017-2020 and of all EU-28 export in 2017-2020 (Eurostat 2021b). A conversion factor of 500 kg m−3 is applied on average for all windows. The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104588
JournalSustainable Cities and Society
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2023


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