Design and experiment of hybridized electromagnetic-triboelectric energy harvester using Halbach magnet array from handshaking vibration

M. Salauddin, M. S. Rasel, J. W. Kim, Jae Y. Park

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We have proposed a new design of hybridized electromagnetic-triboelectric energy harvester using Halbach magnet array from handshaking vibration and validated it theoretically and experimentally. The Halbach array helps to enhance the magnetic flux density and reduce the overall volume as well as generate high power at low frequency. In particular, the proposed dual Halbach array allows the concentrated magnetic flux lines to interact with the same coil in a way where maximum flux linkage occurs. To obtain much higher power generation in low amplitude and low frequency vibrations, the proposed harvester was comprised of a Halbach magnet array, sandpaper passed microstructure PDMS, TENG, and magnetic springs. A prototype of the hybridized energy harvester has been fabricated and tested both using a vibration exciter test and by manual handshaking. Under vibration exciter test, the fabricated prototype of hybridized harvester delivered a high output current and power of 2.9 mA and 11.75 mW, respectively, corresponding to a volume power density of 381 W/m3 under a loading resistance of 1.39 kΩ at 5 Hz resonant frequency and 0.5 g acceleration. It is also capable of delivering output current and power of 2.85 mA and 8.1 mW, respectively, by handshaking vibration. The fabricated hybridized harvester exhibited much higher power density than the recently reported similar works. Our proposed work takes a significant step toward hybrid energy harvesting from human-body-induced motions such as handshaking, walking, running and its potential applications in self powered portable electronics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
Number of pages11
JournalEnergy Conversion and Management
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2017
Externally publishedYes


  • Electromagnetic
  • Halbach magnet array
  • Handshaking vibration
  • Hybrid energy harvester
  • Triboelectric


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