Detection of caseinophosphopeptides in the distal ileostomy fluid of human subjects

Hans Meisel, H. Bernard, S. Fairweather-Tait, R. J. FitzGerald, R. Hartmann, C. N. Lane, D. McDonagh, B. Teucher, J. M. Wal

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Caseinophosphopeptides (CPP) were detected for the first time in ileostomy fluid, collected at 2h intervals for 10h post milk and CPP ingestion, from human volunteers with an ileostomy. The level of CPP present in ileostomy fluid obtained from milk-fed volunteers was markedly higher than that from volunteers fed with selected CPP preparations. The findings are based on HPLC analysis in combination with peptide-bound P determination, thin-layer electrophoresis and amino acid analysis, together with ELISA studies using polyclonal antibodies raised against a set of CPP to detect immunoreactive CPP in ileostomy fluid. These procedures allowed the detection of nM concentrations of CPP. CPP, which can be released during intestinal digestion, may function as bioactive constituents and carriers for different minerals, especially Ca, and may be used as ingredients in functional foods or pharmaceutical preparations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)351-358
Number of pages8
JournalBritish Journal of Nutrition
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2003


  • Bioactive peptides
  • Caseinophosphopeptides
  • Human ileostomy samples
  • Milk


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