Developing resources for translanguaging in minority language contexts: A case study of rapping in an Irish primary school

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The aim of the present study is to examine the extent to which pedagogic resources based on the principles of translanguaging provide an alternative approach to the teaching of language. The Irish language situation provides a good context in which to investigate the potential for transglossic resources to function as effective teaching resources because it is a situation where having access to the minority language via the education system has not resulted in frequent informal language use. The presence of the Irish language in the curriculum has undoubtedly helped develop competence; however, there is strong evidence to show that this competence is rarely activated outside of the classroom setting (cf. Moriarty, 2015). This article provides an analysis of a study on rap as a resource for a more flexible approach to the teaching of Irish. The data show that the use of transglossic resources does foster a more positive ideological position for the language both in the classroom and in the students’ social environment. Also, it demonstrates the capacity of rap to provide a space in which even the most limited Irish language resources can be mobilised.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)76-90
Number of pages15
JournalLanguage, Culture and Curriculum
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jan 2017


  • Irish
  • Language attitudes
  • primary school
  • rap
  • tranlanguaging


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