Doubling the far-field resolution in mid-infrared microscopy

Mahendar Kumbham, Susan Daly, Kevin O'Dwyer, Rabah Mouras, Ning Liu, Aladin Mani, Andre Peremans, Syed M. Tofail, Christophe Silien

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The spatial resolution in far-field mid-infrared (λ>2.5 μm) microscopy and microspectroscopy remains limited with the full-width at half maximum of the point-spread function ca. λ/1.3; a value that is very poor in comparison to that commonly accessible with visible and near-infrared optics. Hereafter, it is demonstrated however that polymer beads that are centre-to-centre spaced by λ/2.6 can be resolved in the mid-infrared. The more than 2-fold improvement in resolution in the far-field is achieved by exploiting a newly constructed scanning microscope built around a mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator and a central solid-immersion lens, and by enforcing the linear polarization unidirectional resolution enhancement with a novel and robust specimen error minimization based on a particle swarm optimization. The method is demonstrated with specimens immersed in air and in water, and its robustness shown by the analysis of dense and complex self-assembled bead islands.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)24377-24389
Number of pages13
JournalOptics Express
Issue number21
Publication statusPublished - 17 Oct 2016


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