Effect of residual stress on high temperature deformation in a weld stainless steel

R. C. Wimpory, F. R. Biglari, R. Schneider, K. M. Nikbin, N. P. O'Dowd

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This paper considers the measurement of residual stresses induced by mechanical loading in a weld Type 347 stainless steel. The work is based in part on an ongoing Round Robin collaborative effort by the Versailles Agreement on Materials and Standards, Technical Working Area 31, (VAMAS TWA 31) working on 'Crack Growth of Components Containing Residual Stresses'. The specific objective of the work at Imperial College London and HMI, Berlin is to examine how residual stresses and prior straining and subsequent relaxation at high temperature contribute to creep crack initiation and growth for steels relevant to power plant applications. Tensile residual stresses have been introduced in the weld by pre-compression and neutron diffraction measurements have been carried out before and after stress relaxation at 650°C. Significant relaxation of the residual stresses has been observed, in agreement with earlier work on a stainless steel. Preliminary results suggest that the strains local to the crack drop by over 60% after 1000 h relaxation at 650°C for the weld steel. The results have been compared with finite element studies of elastic-plastic pre-compression and stress relaxation due to creep.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResidual Stresses VII - Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Residual Stresses, ECRS 7
EditorsWalter Reimers, S. Quander
PublisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)9780878494149
Publication statusPublished - 2006
Externally publishedYes
Event7th European Conference on Residual Stresses, ECRS 7 - Berlin, Germany
Duration: 13 Sep 200615 Sep 2006

Publication series

NameMaterials Science Forum
ISSN (Print)0255-5476
ISSN (Electronic)1662-9752


Conference7th European Conference on Residual Stresses, ECRS 7


  • 347 stainless steel
  • Compact tension (CT) specimen
  • Creep crack initiation
  • FE-modelling
  • Neutron diffraction
  • VAMAS TWA 31


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