Effects of Plyometric vs. Combined Plyometric Training on Vertical Jump Biomechanics in Female Basketball Players

Alberto Sánchez-Sixto, Andrew J. Harrison, Pablo Floriá

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The purpose of this study was to assess and compare the effects of plyometric training and combined training programs on vertical jump kinematics and kinetics of female basketball players. Thirty-six female basketball players were included in the study and further divided into three groups: Plyometric training, n = 11; combined training n =13; and a control group, n =12. Combined training comprised full squat exercise with low resistance (50-65% 1RM) and low volume (3-6 repetitions/set) combined with repeated jumps. Plyometric training included drop jumps and repeated jumps. Both training methods showed a moderate increase in jump performance, although combined training achieved substantially higher values than plyometric training alone. After plyometric training, the vertical velocity and displacement of the center of mass of the countermovement jump increased, while force variables decreased. Combined training increased power, vertical velocity and displacement of the center of mass, but force variables remained unchanged. Both training methods improved jump height, velocity and displacement of the center of mass. Combined training maintained force measures while plyometric training decreased them. These results indicate that combined training might provide better outcomes on jump performance than plyometric training alone. It also appears important to measure biomechanical variables to appropriately interpret the effects of different training methods.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-35
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Human Kinetics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jan 2021


  • exercise testing
  • kinematics
  • kinetics


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