Eldercare and Childcare: How Does Caregiving Responsibility Affect Job Discrimination?

Christine A. Henle, Gwenith G. Fisher, Jean McCarthy, Mark A. Prince, Victoria P. Mattingly, Rebecca L. Clancy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Despite rising legal claims, little research has examined discrimination against job applicants or employees because of their family caregiving responsibilities. Across three studies, we examine discrimination in hiring and starting salary decisions among equally qualified job applicants based on their elder, child, or sandwiched caregiving responsibilities. In study 1, primary caregiving parents were less likely to be hired, were offered lower salaries, and were rated as less competent, committed, available, and agentic, compared to non-primary caregiving parents. In study 2, primary child and elder caregivers were less likely to be hired and received lower salaries, and they were evaluated more negatively on job-related factors than non-caregivers, especially if they were female. In study 3, primary sandwiched caregivers (i.e., those responsible for both elder and child care) were less likely to be hired and were given lower salaries than primary child caregivers in a male-dominated job. Sandwiched caregivers were evaluated more negatively than other caregivers in both female- and male-dominated jobs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-83
Number of pages25
JournalJournal of Business and Psychology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Childcare
  • Eldercare
  • Employment discrimination
  • Family responsibility discrimination
  • Gender
  • Hiring
  • Sandwich generation
  • Work-family


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