Electrolyte Stability in Vanadium Flow Batteries

D. Noel Buckley, Daniela Oboroceanu, Nathan Quill, Catherine Lenihan, Deirdre Ní Eidhin, Robert P. Lynch

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The stability of VFB catholytes was investigated using both light-scattering measurements and visual observation. V2O5 precipitates after an induction time τ which shows an Arrhenius variation with temperature. The value of τ increases with increasing [S] and with decreasing [VV] but the activation energy remains constant with a value of (1.791±0.020) eV. Plots of ln τ against [S] and [VV] show good linearity and the slopes give values of βS = 2.073 M-1 and βV5 = -3.434 M-1 for the fractional rates of variation of τ with [S] and [VV], respectively. Combining the Arrhenius Equation with the observed log-linear variation of τ with [S] and [VV] provides a model for simulating the stability of catholytes. The addition of H3PO4 has a strong stabilizing effect on catholytes at higher temperatures. For example, at 50°C the induction time for precipitation for a typical catholyte is enhanced ~ 12.5-fold by 0.1 M added H3PO4. At concentrations of H3PO4 less than ~0.04 M, the precipitation time increases with increasing concentration at all temperatures investigated (30-70°C). At higher concentrations, induction time begins to decrease with increasing concentration of H3PO4: the changeover concentration depends on the temperature. Experiments at 70°C using other phosphate additives (sodium triphosphate, Na5P3O10, and sodium hexametaphosphate, (NaPO3)6) showed similar results to H3PO4.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3201-3212
Number of pages12
JournalMRS Advances
Issue number54
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • energy storage
  • environment
  • kinetics
  • modeling


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