Engaging industry in empirical research

Tracy Hall, David Wilson, Sarah Beecham

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Background: Companies can only capitalise on research that is relevant to their problems, usable in practice and brought to their attention. Such high value research almost always requires academic and industrial collaboration. Problem: Many academic information systems and software engineering researchers struggle to engage industry in their research. Aim: To investigate the gap between academic research and industry participation in information systems and software engineering. Method: An analysis of UK and Australian Research Council funded information systems-related projects in which companies and academics are currently collaborating. Outcomes: Only 20-30% of research council funded information systems-related projects have industry collaborators. Many collaborators in research projects are in the public sector and have been involved with research previously. Impact: Our results can contribute to increased industrial collaboration in research projects by helping researchers to identify projects most attractive to industrial collaborators and to target companies most likely to agree to participate in research projects.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 2008
Externally publishedYes
Event19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2008 - Christchurch, New Zealand
Duration: 3 Dec 20085 Dec 2008


Conference19th Australasian Conference on Information Systems, ACIS 2008
Country/TerritoryNew Zealand


  • Industrial collaboration
  • Research


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